The Secrets of Ephedra - Exposed!

Have you heard about ephedra? The most powerful all natural food for weigh tloss?

Over 5000 years ago the Chinese discovered Ephedra, also known as Ma huang and Ephedrine. The Chinese have safely been using ephedrine to treat asthma, allergies, colds, hay fever and rheumatism. Ephedra works by opening bronchial passages to help treat asthma and cough, stimulating the heart and increasing perspiration to help a person recover from a minor cold and promoting the production of urine to relive edema. It also reduces the secretion of both saliva and stomach acids.

More commonly ephedra is known for its ability to burn fat extremely effectively. Recent research has revealed that ephedra increases metabolism and highly efficiently promotes weight loss. No prescription drug has even come close to replicating the ability of ephedra to powerfully burn fat while sparing the lean muscle tissue. These properties of ephedra are exceedingly sought after by fitness enthusiast, body builders and anyone who is trying win the battle against the bulge.

Ephedra is a stimulant and a thermogenic. If used properly ephedra is safe for most people. However there are certain situations in which these properties could possibly become harmful. By following a few common sense rules with the use of ephedra problems can be avoided. Anyone with medical problems, especially any kind of heart condition should not use ephedra. If your activity or environment will prevent you from dissipating heat ephedra should not be used. And of course you should never take more than the manufacturer recommends.

So go on, cast away your doubts in do take ephedra. Well, you have nothing more to loss right?